National Gallery of Art - Washington(United States)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 73 cm (28.74 in.), Width: 92 cm (36.22 in.)
Olive Trees against a Slope of a Hill
Van Gogh Museum(Netherlands)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 33.5 cm (13.19 in.), Width: 40 cm (15.75 in.)

Peasant Burning Weeds
Private collection
Painting - oil on panel

Peasant Man and Woman Planting Potatoes
Kunsthaus - Zurich(Switzerland)
Painting - oil on canvas

Meadow in the Garden of Saint-Paul Hospital
National Gallery
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 64.5 cm (25.39 in.), Width: 81 cm (31.89 in.)
이름은 잘 모르지만
누가 봐주지 않아도
저만치 홀로 피어있는 작은 들꽃
화려하지 않아도
외로운 산행길에 잘못하면 밟힐것 같은
수줍어도 그리움은 그대로 간직한채
네가 나를 닮고 내가 너를 닮아
문득 발길 멈추고 함께 있고 싶었던
그냥 지어도 아무도 신경 쓰지 않는
내 들꽃처럼 살다가도
봐주는 한 사람만 있어도 후회는 없으리....
Peasant Woman Binding Sheaves (after Milleet)
Van Gogh Museum(Netherlands)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 43 cm (16.93 in.), Width: 33 cm (12.99 in.)

Peasant Woman by the Fireplace
Musee d'Orsay(France)
Painting - oil on canvas
Peasant Woman Cutting Straw (after Millet)
Van Gogh Museum(Netherlands)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 40.5 cm (15.94 in.), Width: 26.5 cm (10.43 in.)

Peasant Woman Digging
Barber Institute of Fine Arts(England)
Painting - oil on canvas
Peasant Woman Digging
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Pine Trees against an Evening Sky
(also known as Weatherbeaten Pine Trees)
Kroller-Muller Museum(Netherlands)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 92 cm (36.22 in.), Width: 73 cm (28.74 in.)
Pine Trees with Figure in the Garden of Saint-Paul Hospital
Musee d'Orsay(France)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 58 cm (22.83 in.), Width: 45 cm (17.72 in.)

Pollard Willow with Setting Sun
Kroller-Muller Museum(Netherlands)
Height: 31.5 cm (12.4 in.), Width: 34.5 cm (13.58 in.)
인물화나 풍경화에서 내가 표현하고 싶은 것은
감상적이고 우울한 것이 아니라 뿌리 깊은 고뇌다
다른 사람들 눈에는 내가 어떻게 비칠까?
보잘것없는 사람, 괴벽스러운 사람, 비위에 맞지 않는 사람
사회적 지위도 없고 앞으로도 어떤 사회적 지위를 갖지도 못할
한마디로 최하 중의 최하급 사람....그래 좋다
설령 그 말이 옳다 해도 언젠가는 내 작품을 통해 그런 기이한 사람
그런 보잘것없는 사람의 마음속에 무엇이 들어있는지를 보여주겠다 (1882.7)
Portrait of a Young Peasant
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum(United States)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 61 cm (24.02 in.), Width: 50 cm (19.69 in.)
Reaper with Sickle (after Millet)
Van Gogh Museum(Netherlands)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 44 cm (17.32 in.), Width: 33 cm (12.99 in.)

Roadway with Underpass
(also known as The Viaduct)
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum(United States)
Painting - oil on canvas

Sower with Setting Sun
E. G. Buhrle Collection(Switzerland)
Height: 73.5 cm (28.94 in.), Width: 92 cm (36.22 in.)

Stacks of Wheat near a Farmhouse
Kroller-Muller Museum(Netherlands)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 73 cm (28.74 in.), Width: 92.5 cm (36.42 in.)

Street in Saintes-Maries
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 38 cm (14.96 in.), Width: 46 cm (18.11 in.)
Sunset: Wheat Fields near Arles
Kunstmuseum Winterthur(Switzerland)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 73.5 cm (28.94 in.), Width: 92 cm (36.22 in.)
The Fields
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 50 cm (19.69 in.), Width: 65 cm (25.59 in.)
The Garden of Saint-Paul Hospital
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 50 cm (19.69 in.), Width: 63 cm (24.8 in.)
The Garden of Saint-Paul Hospital with Figure
Kroller-Muller Museum(Netherlands)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 61 cm (24.02 in.), Width: 50 cm (19.69 in.)

The Langlois Bridge
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 49.5 cm (19.49 in.), Width: 64 cm (25.2 in.)

The Langlois Bridge at Arles
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

The Langlois Bridge at Arles
Private collection
Painting - watercolor

The Old Mill
Albright-Knox Art Gallery(United States)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 64.5 cm (25.39 in.), Width: 54 cm (21.26 in.)

The Parsonage at Nuenen
Van Gogh Museum(Netherlands)
Painting - oil on canvas

The Public Park at Arles
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 72 cm (28.35 in.), Width: 93 cm (36.61 in.)

The Red Vinyard
Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts(Russia)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 75 cm (29.53 in.), Width: 93 cm (36.61 in.)
인간은 사랑하면서도 고독이라는 병을 앓지만
들꽃은 고독하면서도 대자연의 사랑속에서 산다
인간은 일생을 외로움에 시달리지만
들꽃은 제철 서늘한 바람을 즐긴다

The Road Menders
Cleveland Museum of Art(United States)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 73.7 cm (29.02 in.), Width: 92 cm (36.22 in.)
The Road Menders
The Phillips Collection(United States)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 71 cm (27.95 in.), Width: 93 cm (36.61 in.)
The Sheaf-Binder (after Millet)
Van Gogh Museum(Netherlands)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 44.5 cm (17.52 in.), Width: 32 cm (12.6 in.)
The Sheep-Shearers (after Millet)
Van Gogh Museum(Netherlands)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 43.5 cm (17.13 in.), Width: 29.5 cm (11.61 in.)
The Sower
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 72 cm (28.35 in.), Width: 91.5 cm (36.02 in.)
The Stone Bench in the Garden at Saint-Paul Hospital
Museu de Arte de Sao Paulo(Argentina)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 39 cm (15.35 in.), Width: 46 cm (18.11 in.)
나는 늘 두 가지 생각 중 하나에 사로잡혀 있다
하나는 물질적인 어려움에 대한 생각이고, 다른 하나는 색에 대한 탐구이다 (1888.8)
The Thresher (after Millet)
Van Gogh Museum(Netherlands)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 44 cm (17.32 in.), Width: 27.5 cm (10.83 in.)
The Walk: Falling Leaves
Van Gogh Museum(Netherlands)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 73.5 cm (28.94 in.), Width: 60.5 cm (23.82 in.)
The Woodcutter (after Millet)
Van Gogh Museum(Netherlands)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 43.5 cm (17.13 in.), Width: 25 cm (9.84 in.)
Two Peasant Women in the Peat Fields
Van Gogh Museum(Netherlands)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 27 cm (10.63 in.), Width: 35.5 cm (13.98 in.)
Two Poplars on a Road through the Hills
Cleveland Museum of Art(United States)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 61 cm (24.02 in.), Width: 45.5 cm (17.91 in.)
Wheat Field behind Saint-Paul Hospital with a Reaper
Museum Folkwang(Germany)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 59.5 cm (23.43 in.), Width: 72.5 cm (28.54 in.)
Wheat Field with Cornflowers
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 60 cm (23.62 in.), Width: 81 cm (31.89 in.)
Wheatfield with Cypress
National Gallery - London(England)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 72.5 cm (28.54 in.), Width: 91.5 cm (36.02 in.)
Wheat Field with Cypresses at the Haude Galline near Eygalieres
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 51.5 cm (20.28 in.), Width: 65 cm (25.59 in.)
Wheat Field with Reaper and Sun
Kroller-Muller Museum(Netherlands)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 72 cm (28.35 in.), Width: 92 cm (36.22 in.)
Wheat Field with Sheaves
Honolulu Academy of Arts(United States)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 55.2 cm (21.73 in.), Width: 66.6 cm (26.22 in.)
Wheat Field with Sheaves
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 50 cm (19.69 in.), Width: 61 cm (24.02 in.)
Wooden Sheds
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 45.5 cm (17.91 in.), Width: 60 cm (23.62 in.)
Young Girl Standing against a Background of Wheat
National Gallery of Art - Washington(United States)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 66 cm (25.98 in.), Width: 45 cm (17.72 in.)
Rowing Boats on the Banks of the Oise
Detroit Institute of the Arts(United States)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 186.18 cm (73.3 in.), Width: 238 cm (93.7 in.)
들꽃은 누군가의 손에 꺾이지 않을 때 행복하다
인간은 누군가의 손길에 인도될 때 행복하다
인간은 서로의 이름을 부를 때 사랑의 꽃을 피우고
들꽃은 이름없이 살다가 갈 때 씨를 흘린다
Young Man with Cornflower
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 39 cm (15.35 in.), Width: 30.5 cm (12.01 in.)

Avenue of Poplars at Sunset
Van Gogh Museum(Netherlands)
Painting - oil on canvas

Wheat Field with Cypresses at the Haude Galline near Eygalieres
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 73 cm (28.74 in.), Width: 93.5 cm (36.81 in.)

Two Diggers among Trees
Detroit Institute of the Arts(United States)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 62 cm (24.41 in.), Width: 44 cm (17.32 in.)

Two Peasants Diging (after Millet)
Stedelijk Museum(Netherlands)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 72 cm (28.35 in.), Width: 92 cm (36.22 in.)

Evening Landscape with Rising Moon
Kroller-Muller Museum(Netherlands)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 72 cm (28.35 in.), Width: 92 cm (36.22 in.)
The Painter on His Way to Work
Destroyed by fire
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 48 cm (18.9 in.), Width: 44 cm (17.32 in.)

Cypress against a Starry Sky
(also known as Road with Cypresses)
Kroller-Muller Museum(Netherlands)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 92 cm (36.22 in.), Width: 73 cm (28.74 in.)

Starry Night
Drawing - pen and ink
Height: 47 cm (18.5 in.), Width: 62.5 cm (24.61 in.)

The Starry Night
Museum of Modern Art(United States)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 73.7 cm (29.02 in.), Width: 92.1 cm (36.26 in.)
별이 반짝이는 밤하늘은 늘 나를 꿈꾸게 한다
그럴 땐 묻곤 하지. 프랑스 지도 위에 표시된 검은 점에게 가듯
왜 창공에서 반짝이는 저 별에게 갈 수 없는 것일까
타라스콩이나 루앙에 가려면 기차를 타야 하는 것처럼
별까지 가기 위해서는 죽음을 맞이해야 한다
기차를 탈 수 없듯, 살아 있는 동안에는 별에 갈 수 없다. 증기선이나 합승마차
철도 등이 운송수단이라면 콜레라, 결석, 결핵, 암 등은 천상의 운송수단인지도 모른다
늙어서 평화롭게 죽는다는 건 별까지 걸어간다는 것이지 (1888.6)
-옮긴 글, 그림-