
엄마의 그리움(Yearning of my mom)

눈속의 아름다움(The Beauty in the snow)

엉겅퀴의 일생(The life of a thistle)

엉겅퀴의 일생(The life of a thistle)

김태숙(kim, Tae-sook) 염색한지(dyed Hanji) 90 x 60, 2008
도시의 향기( The fragrance of the city)

강신숙(Kang, Shin-sook) 염색한지(dyed Hanji) 90 x 60, 2008
가고싶은 곳 II (The place where i went to go)

권복숙(Kwon. Bok-sook) 염색한지(dyed Hanji) 90 x 60, 2008
아름다운 인과(因果)(The beautiful karma)

홍문혜(Hong, Moon-hye) 염색한지(dyed Hanji) 90 x 60, 2008
축제( The fetival)

문명길(Moon, Myong-kil) 염색한지(dyed Hanji) 90 x 60, 2008
금강산의 비경(The mysterious regions around the Mt Kumgang)

제봉금(Je, Bong-keum) 염색한지(dyed Hanji)90 x 60, 2008
불두화( Viburnum sargenti for sterile)

이영미(Lee, Young-mee) 염색한지(dyed Hanji) 90 x 60, 2008
빛 그리고 소리( The light and sound)