Norman Rockwell

회화그림 2010. 2. 22. 17:36

글 찾기( 아래 목록 크릭 또는 왼쪽 분류목록 클릭)

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생로병사비밀 회화그림 사진그래픽 조각조형 음악소리 자연경관 자연현상
영상종합 마술요술 연예체육 사적跡蹟迹 일반자료 생활 컴퓨터

Norman Rockwell (1894-1978)

American Golden Age painter & illustrator

Girl at Mirror
Oil on canvas, 1954
Norman Rockwell Museum, Stockbridge

The Puppeteer
Oil on canvas, 1932
Private collection

After the Prom
Oil on canvas, 1957
Private collection

Boy and Girl gazing at the Moon
Oil on canvas, 1926
Private collection

Vacation Boy riding a Goose
Oil on canvas, 1934
Private collection

Going and Coming
Oil on canvas, 1947
Norman Rockwell Museum, Stockbridge

Family home from Vacation
Oil on canvas, 1930
Private collection

The Music Man
Oil on canvas, 1966
Private collection

The Peephole
Oil on canvas, 1958
14 1/4 x 11 1/4
inches (36.2 x 28.6 cm)
Private collection

But wait 'til next week
Oil on canvas, 1920
Private collection

Oil on canvas, 1920
Private collection

Marble Champion
Oil on canvas, 1939
Private collection

Teachers' Birthday
Oil on canvas, 1956
Private collection

Oil on canvas, 1957
Private collection

Little boy writing a letter
Oil on canvas, 1920
Private collection

The Land of Enchantment
Oil on canvas
32 1/8 x 29 1/4
inches (81.9 x 74.3 cm)
Private collection

Oh boy, it's Pop with a new Plymouth
Oil on canvas, 1951
Private collection

Norman Rockwell (1894-1978)
Portrait of Norman Rockwell Painting the Soda Jerk
Oil on board, 1953
Private collection

Freedom From Fear
Oil on canvas, 1943
Private collection

Freedom from Want
Oil on canvas, 1943
45 5/8 x 35 3/8
inches (116 x 90 cm)
Private collection

Spring Tonic
Oil on canvas, 1936
Private collection

Grandpa and Me picking daisies
Watercolour, 1958
16 1/8 x 12 7/8
inches (41.2 x 33 cm)
Private collection

Christmas Dance
Watercolour on board, 1950
Collection of Hallmark Cards, inc.

Jolly Postman
Watercolour on board
Collection of Hallmark Cards, inc.

Homecoming Marine
Oil on canvas, 1945
Private collection

April Fool Girl with Shopkeeper
Oil on canvas, 1948
Private collection

Saying Grace
Oil on canvas, 1951
Private collection

Norman Rockwell (1894-1978)
Is He Coming?
Oil on canvas, 1920
Private collection

Norman Rockwell (1894-1978)
The Connoiseur
Oil on canvas, 1962
Private collection

우리 보통사람들의 일상생활에서

한번쯤 경험한 일들을

그림을 통해 바로 알수 있게,

쉽고 가볍게 표현한"놀만 록웰"

그의 그림에는 유머러스하고 ,

그속에 많은 이야기를 발견할수 있읍니다.

록웰은 1894년 뉴욕 시티에서 태어나

"Saturday Evening Post"라는 잡지의 표지 그림으로도 유명하다.

Any Dream Will Do - Jason Donovan

-옮긴 글-

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