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By paper artist Calvin Nicholls.

There is nothing simple or ordinary about his paper art. Where we would simply use a piece of paper and a pair of scissors, Calvin uses everything you could possibly think of to carve, cut and rip perfect details onto his creations. The motifs are all wildlife, and that must be one of the hardest categories of things to make with paper since there are sometimes impossible details on animals. These details are amazing, and I can't even fathom the time it must have taken to create these masterpieces of art.

'조각조형' 카테고리의 다른 글

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조각감상  (4) 2012.04.07
동방박사의 꿈  (2) 2011.12.21
세계기이건축물(世界奇異建築物)  (0) 2011.12.10
미켈란젤로의 `피에타`  (0) 2011.12.01
Posted by 외통